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Rottweiler Pitbull Mix: All-Inclusive Handbook

First of all

Often called a “Rottweiler Pit” or simply a “Pitweiler,” the Rottweiler Pitbull mix is a crossbreed that blends the qualities and strength of the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Rottweiler. This unusual mix combines several qualities, which makes it a well-liked option for people looking for an obedient and active friend.

1. History and Objectives

Intentional breeding of Rottweilers and Pit Bulls produced the Rottweiler-Pitbull mix. Breeders strive to blend the liveliness and agility of the Pit Bull with the protective instincts of the Rottweiler, though exact origins may differ. Comprehending the intention behind this hybridization aids in recognizing its distinct attributes.

2. Physical attributes

Usually, this hybrid inherits a combination of physical characteristics of the two parent breeds. The Rottweiler-Pitbull hybrid may have a large head, a powerful frame, and a short coat that needs little maintenance. Coat colors can differ, frequently combining the characteristic black and brown markings of the Rottweiler.

3. Personality and Temperament

Rottweiler Pitbull mixes are well-known for their affection and loyalty, and they frequently exhibit amiable behavior and close relationships with their families. They make ideal security dogs since they are intelligent, tame, and protective. Training in positive reinforcement and socialization are essential for modifying their behavior.

4. The Needs for Exercise and Activity

Pit bulls and Rottweilers are both active breeds, and their hybrid pups also possess this quality. Frequent physical activity and mental stimulation are necessary to guard against boredom and guarantee a well-mannered friend. Playtime, engaging toys, and daily walks all help to maintain the health and happiness of a Rottweiler Pitbull mix.

5. Medical Matters

Rottweiler Pitbull mixes, like all breeds, could be predisposed to specific health problems that come from their parent breeds. Potential issues can be addressed with preventative treatment, a balanced diet, and routine veterinary exams. The goal of ethical breeding methods is to reduce the likelihood of genetic disorders.

6. Instruction and Interaction

An appropriately socialized and trained Rottweiler Pitbull mix is essential for good behavior. Techniques of positive reinforcement are effective, and behavioral problems can be avoided by exposing them to a variety of situations, people, and other animals. A solid link is formed between the owner and the dog via consistent training.

7. Legal Points to Remember

Because of the Pit Bull’s negative reputation in some areas, it’s imperative for prospective owners to be informed of any ownership-related municipal laws. Laws pertaining to specific breeds may affect one’s ability to rent or buy a home with a Rottweiler/Pitbull mix. Being aware of and following these rules is essential for responsible ownership.

8. Conscientious Ownership

It is your duty to provide your Rottweiler-Pitbull mix the right attention, training, and a caring home. The favorable perception of this hybrid is enhanced by conscientious owners who highlight the significance of acknowledging and fulfilling the specific demands of each parent breed as well as the needs of the individual dog.

A brief history of the Rottweiler Pitbull mix

A Rottweiler Pitbull mix is a cross between a purebred Rottweiler dog and a Pitbull-type dog.

When two different dog breeds are intentionally mixed it what’s known as a designer dog; this hybrid dog is sometimes nicknamed a ‘Rottie’.

The parent breeds’ history:

History of the Rottweiler – a purebred dog

The Rottweiler is a purebred large dog breed that was used to herd and guard cattle, when traveling with Roman soldiers in their quest to conquer Europe; their primary food source on route. Their alertness, discipline and endurance made them the ideal guard dog.

Fact: The Rottweiler is considered the oldest known herding dog with its origins traceable back to Roman times, where they are believed to have descended from Roman drover dogs: a mastiff-like dog.

Their intelligence, strength, and energy levels meant that these large dogs proved useful during the World Wars as guard dogs and for messenger and ambulance duties. They are still used today for this type of support and search and rescue activity.


History of the Pitbull – a mixed breed dog

During the early 19th century, in the United Kingdom, there was a desire to create strong dogs for pit and dog fighting, bull-baiting, bear-baiting and other aggressive-type blood sports for entertainment.

Old English Bulldogs and Old Terrier dog breeds were crossbred for this purpose

This combined the fierce nature and loyalty characteristics of the Bulldog and the intelligence and cunning nature of the Terrier breed to produce a perfect breed for dog fighting: the Pitbull.

Fact: The original Old English Bulldogs and the Old English Terriers are both now extinct breeds

Around 1845, these Pitbull mixed breed dogs soon made it to the US and were bred specifically as fighting dogs. They became known by the name American Pitbull Terrier and were recognized as a part of the bull dog breed. They are often referred to as a bully breed or dangerous dog breed with a prey drive.

However, shortly after arriving in America it was realized that this Pitbull mixed breed dog, in the right hands, was actually a loving and caring pooch around children. This earned it the nickname ‘The Nanny Dog’.

The American Pitbull Terrier is a pure bred dog but it is not recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). It is however recognized by the UK Kennel Club and the American Dog Breeders Association.

Fact: In 1835, Great Britain, UK, introduced Animal Welfare laws and banned blood sports such as bull baiting and bear baiting.

In 1898, the United Kennel Club (UK) recognized the American Pit Bull terrier breed.

In 1976, dog fighting was finally banned in all states of America

Fact: ‘Pitbull’, is the generic name given to a breed of dog that is part of the Bulldog or Terrier breeds, such as the American Staffordshire Terrier or American Pit bull Terrier.

Although the Pitbull breed is not registered by the American Kennel Club (AKC), some individual breeds within the Bull dog and Terrier types of dogs are.

Gaining Popularity

The Rottweiler Pitbull mix is the impressive hybrid offspring of these two well-known and powerful dogs and is slowly gaining popularity as a family dog, as much as it is recognized as a watch dog.

It is not known exactly when the Rottweiler Pitbull mix dog was first bred, or why, but as they are both naturally strong and determined dogs perhaps they just seemed a natural combination for a protective mixed breed of dog.

Fact: This mixed breed dog may be listed on the dangerous dog in many countries and therefore banned.


The Rottweiler Pitbull mix –Colors and pattern

As the Pitweiler is a mixed breed dog, its appearance is more difficult to predict than a purebred dog. Considering the parent breeds there is a range of possible coat colors for this pooch.

A Pitweiler can come in a wide range of colors and patterns, including: Black and Tan, Brown, White, Blue, and Fawn with a merle or brindle pattern (associated with the Pitbull parent)

Fact: ‘Brindle’ describes the dog coat color and pattern: a Tiger Stripe pattern. The base color is normally a fawn, tawny brown or dark brown.


What are the main characteristics of a Pitweiler?

As a crossbred dog, Pitbull Rottweiler mixes can inherit the characteristics of either parent or both. It is thought that a crossbred dog is more likely to inherit health problems than purebred dogs; however, a puppy mixed dog can inherit all, some or none of the health problems its parent breeds have.

Fact: Not all dogs from mixed breeds inherit 50% of their characteristics from one parent and 50% from the other. It can be heavily weighted towards the characteristics of one parent more than the other.

In the example of the Pitweiler puppy, it can be more like a Rottweiler puppy than a Pit mix puppy, or more like the pit bull-type dogs.

The characteristics of Pitweilers are a combination of nature and nurture: genetics of the parents, the environment, and the quality, type, and amount of training and socialization.

Loyalty and companionship

Any Rottweiler mix or Pitbull mix breed dog, when trained and socialized properly, can make a loyal companion, for any doggie lover. They can be very loving and affectionate dogs and enjoy company, and the more active their lifestyle the better.


Any Pit mix dog is still associated with its previous reputation as a bully-dog breed, with a prey drive; famous for dog fighting. The Rottweiler, like the German Shepherd, is a confident breed that looks fiercer than its behavior displays.

Any Pit bull mix breed such as the American Staffordshire Terrier is often misunderstood and still suffers from the stigma of a dangerous dog, not a family pet-type breed of dog. However, owners of Rottie Pits know that when handled correctly and properly trained they can be an affectionate and caring family dog.


Although they are growing in popularity as a dog breed, they don’t actually rank that highly in the lists of the world’s most popular dogs!

This mix is not recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) as it is not a purebred dog.

The Rottweiler purebred dog is recognized by the AKC and ranks the 8th most popular dog in the US. The Pitbull is not a purebred dog and is therefore not recognized by the AKC and therefore not ranked in their most popular dogs list.

The general ‘Bull’ dog breed is and ranks as the 5th most popular dog in the US.


A Pitweiler puppy needs to be trained and socialized as early as possible. This is another strong and muscular dog breed that needs to learn control. Positive reinforcement and reward-based training is advisable for this dog breed as is very confident and needs to build trust with its owner.

A Pitbull Rottweiler mix dog should be trained slowly, not be negatively punished, challenged directly, or locked up for misbehavior. Always reinforce change gradually and praise good behavior and learning. Clicker training works well with this dog breed.

This mixed breed is no more likely to bite than any other dog breed however with their physical strength and very powerful jaw means that any attack is likely to leave lasting damage.

The Pitweiler is very energetic so a Pitweiler Pitbull puppy will need at least one hour a day minimum, building up 1-2 hours a day in adulthood

Power and intelligence:

They are smart, very powerful with a muscular, solid build from two breeds can be aggressive if not trained and handled properly. Only knowledge of the parents’ history will indicate how powerful it might become.


Early socialization and learning discipline is strongly recommended for any Pitbull mix dog. This type of hybrid dog with two very strong, guard dog-type parents needs to become used to other dogs and children if it is to fit in. A busy and very active family environment is best.


Both parents were bred as fearless working dogs, one for fighting and the other for herding. Over time both have used their skills for good activities such as search and rescue, as both can follow orders and commands. A Rottie Pit can be a disciplined and protective family pet.


This breed can be strong-willed and needs to be trained early as it can easily and will become destructive. Children should not be left alone with any Rottweiler mix or Pit mix and must be taught how to treat these dogs with respect; the dos and don’ts around any powerful dog.


Physical Characteristics of the Pitweiler

Size: The Rottweiler Pitbull mix is considered a large-sized dog breed that has a solid and muscular build, with the appearance of a fearsome guard dog.


Size Large-sized Large-sized
Height 18-25” (46-64cm) 17-20” (43-51cm)
Weight 40lb- 100lb (18-45kg) 40lb- 100lb (18-45kg)
Lifespan 12-15 years 12-15 years
Litter Size Average 8 puppies/litter

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